For more information contact Juliette Mills on 020 7538 4545 or Angie Jasper @ Choice 136 on 020 7511 4314.
On the 30th October 07 we held a session at the Community Links building.
On the left is Cindy who kindly gave us her story of being a teen parent.
Below, we have Kim who is a Community links worker who also gave us her story of parenting when she was a young mother. She is holding Sarah's baby.
Below, we have a lady named Emma who will be working with the parents each week, to produce a booklet that will contain services for teen parents in Newham. Our photography student has also decided to join in with the group session. She has on a grey dress and white top.
Pastures Youth Centre
'Teen Parent Group'
Today we went to the Theatre Royal Stratford East to interview a wonderful lady who is the head of Youth Arts and Education. She recently worked with the Teen Parents group at Pastures Youth Centre. With her help they wrote a moving and thought provoking script based on the life of young man who gave up his daughter to be raised by family. The play is called Waiting for Kion and it was performed in front of 400 people at the theatre and was a huge success.
Jan is looking to take the project a step further and take the play to schools and colleges for the young to see. We have some young mothers in our group who have a keen interest in drama and are enthusiastic to have some involvement in the project with our support. Why don't you blog us if you are a budding actress in the making.
Today Tuesday 12th Feb 08 we interviewed Raymond Wood he is the programme manager for Early Stat Forest Gate. He tells us the background of Early Start. It was a very interesting interview for us to do. He talks about his role within Early Start and the services that it has to offer 'Teen Parents' Thanks Raymond for this interview, well done.
o juliette whatb do i look like in that last picture lol
xx l xx
Please don't make me laugh lol.
You look like you are dying for a cupper!!!!
Jules x
cant wait to hear what you think of the exhibition at the womens lib do let us know
nice pic
the womens libary was such an eye opener i could not belive how insignificant women were made to feel if they were not married.
it was interesting to see the birth control that they used.
we went along to the theatre royal where we interviewed a lady called jan sharkey. we asked her questions about her experances with teen parents and her thoghts on teen parents
i found her to be a plesent lady with a great scence of humer.
she along with some teen mothers wrote a script and are looking to performe the play in local schools.
all in all it was a lovley morning
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