Tuesday, 12 June 2007


My child is just days away from his second birthday and the terrible twos are firmly here and although I feel I'm coping with the situation sometimes I cant help thinking that I am not doing the right thing. Has anybody got any suggestions or tips?

Leigh 18


Don't Hush "DISCUSS" said...

my son is having tantrums on avarage 4-5 times a day im trying to ignor them buT somtimes its not always easy perticuly when we are in public i am hoping that this is just a fase and in time we will be able to cummunicate better

leigh 18

Don't Hush "DISCUSS" said...

right now my son is in a cresh while i am at my young parents groupand guess what he is having one of his tanntrums but he seems to be learning that he will not always get his own way but i sm going to stop typing now because i am going to check on him

xxxxx leigh 18 xxxxxxx