Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Teen Dads

Where are all the teen dads, come and have your say, How are you treated as a young father? How do you feel about being a dad? Are there any questions/answers you have/need to be addressed? Are there any services you need to access?


Don't Hush "DISCUSS" said...

Why are teen dads regarded as irresponsible and not as committed as the mum. What do you think about this? Share your views and experiences, have a say Dads, come on bite back!!

Don't Hush "DISCUSS" said...

i am a youg dad and i don't consider myself as irresponsible but i do admit that my partner has our baby more often than me. this is because some thimes iam at work but when i arrive home i try to give her a brake for example i wiill cook dinner and bath the baby to give my girlfriend the chance to kick back. and when iam not working i try and spend as much time with my girlfriend and the baby .

Don't Hush "DISCUSS" said...

Thankyou so much for your comments Gurdi. Can I say you seem like a very responsible father, well done. Keep up the good work.
Tell me what are your views on services in the borough for Teen dads?

Don't Hush "DISCUSS" said...

i dont realy know of any young dad services although i think there are some services around but i don't know what they have to offer. as i am 20 years old now i dont know if i am considerd a young dad anymore.
when i was 18 i was attending sessions at the respect project with angie and victoria.
from this project i ganed alot of help and surport. we also were given the oppertunity to have a family holiday to butlins which as aa familly we realy enjoyed.


Don't Hush "DISCUSS" said...

Do you think that if we put a list of services on this site (if any)that supports young dads, would that be useful??

Don't Hush "DISCUSS" said...

i think that if you
put some services on the site that are usefull and that would help me find work i would use them.


Don't Hush "DISCUSS" said...

Gurdi if you click on the ELITE link on the right hand side of the page. They offer free Training/Employment and help you get back into work. As far as I am aware they have no age limit.

Anonymous said...

Back in 1982 I suppose that i would have been considered to be a teen parent. I was 18 years old when i had my daughter. At that time there were not any special support for teenage parents. Therfore I had to take full time employment to be able to look after a young family. The only support that we had was family and that was if you were lucky.


Don't Hush "DISCUSS" said...

dont worry andrew idont think that there is much support now lol


Anonymous said...


I am a TV researcher looking for teen dads that might be willing to author a documetnary for us for BBC3 about what it is like to be a teen dad. There are often stories about teen mum's but I rarely hear about teen dad's and so think this might be an interesting area to explore.

If you are a teen dad/know a teen dad who would like to talk to me (at this stage we are just in development), please contact me on 02074624506 or rmillar@gecko.tv

Anonymous said...


I am working for a television company called Mentorn Media. We’re making a series about underage teenage pregnancy and I’m really keen to hear your story.

The tv programmes will follow both mum’s-to-be through pregnancy and birth, as well as those who have recently given birth...including new dads! It's not about making judgments – it’s about telling the real stories of teenagers and hearing about your experiences in your words.

We’d really like to hear from you as we’re looking for a mix of teenagers from a variety of different backgrounds to feature in the series. If this sounds interesting then please drop me a line on here or email me on asimons@mentorn.tv

