I dearly wanted to do my best and feed my son myself, but where I was so young, the medical staff did not even acknowledge me, let alone speak to me and so I never received any support with breast feeding. So after an extremely frustrating two weeks of bloodied, crusted, swollen and extremely painful nipples and one hungry baby I gave up. This experience even impacted negatively on the way I fed my other son as I did not even consider breast with him.
Now as an empowered confident adult I would not hesitate to ask for support – but alas it’s to late for my boys!
i had the same experience with the breast feeding it was to painfull to handle even though i wanted to use that method until my daughter was 6months. its put me of completly im kinda upset cause im a very maternal person but rather not go through all that pain again so i can totally relate to what anonymous said
my baby was premature and the only thing i could activly do foe him was give him my breast milk. my son stayed in hospital for a few weeks so for the nights i would produce the milk and store it in the fridge so that the nurses could feed my son the breast milk. my baby had to be moniterd on how much he was drinking this is why i had to express the milk and placed it into a bottle for my son. if i had another child i would breast feed without a deoubt even if i have to express again it is a natural thing to do and it savesalot of money. if they are taking the milk from the breast you dont have to wory about steralising and making sure that the milk is the correct tempriture.
i think that breastfeeding in public is absoulutly fine babys need food just as much as you and i and reciving there milk from the breast is the healthest thing to give a baby
This project has just started to train teen parents in Newham to develop their own on line resources and will enable the group to make contacts, provide information for teenage parents in London and even globally.
The project is training teen parents to write and publish their stories/diaries/experiences and be journalists with their own blog pages which they can update and add to when ever and where ever they want.
If you would like to join the project contact Juliette Mills, office@ech.org.uk, 020 7538 4545/3388 or Angie Jasper at Choice 136 on 0207 511 4314 or just blog us.
Workshops take place every Tuesday afternoon at NEWTEC, 22 Deanery Road, Stratford, E15-4LP
From: 3pm – 5pm
Free Crèche provided by Early Start
All i can say is ouch!!!
I dearly wanted to do my best and feed my son myself, but where I was so young, the medical staff did not even acknowledge me, let alone speak to me and so I never received any support with breast feeding. So after an extremely frustrating two weeks of bloodied, crusted, swollen and extremely painful nipples and one hungry baby I gave up. This experience even impacted negatively on the way I fed my other son as I did not even consider breast with him.
Now as an empowered confident adult I would not hesitate to ask for support – but alas it’s to late for my boys!
I have put a link on the front page to a great scheme called BABS. Have a look at it.
i had the same experience with the breast feeding it was to painfull to handle even though i wanted to use that method until my daughter was 6months. its put me of completly im kinda upset cause im a very maternal person but rather not go through all that pain again so i can totally relate to what anonymous said
my baby was premature and the only thing i could activly do foe him was give him my breast milk. my son stayed in hospital for a few weeks so for the nights i would produce the milk and store it in the fridge so that the nurses could feed my son the breast milk.
my baby had to be moniterd on how much he was drinking this is why i had to express the milk and placed it into a bottle for my son.
if i had another child i would breast feed without a deoubt even if i have to express again it is a natural thing to do and it savesalot of money. if they are taking the milk from the breast you dont have to wory about steralising and making sure that the milk is the correct tempriture.
i agree that breast is best
leigh 18 xx
i thik it is ok to breastfeed but i think people should be private about it because it is not very nice to see.
15 yr old
i agree
i think that breastfeeding in public is absoulutly fine babys need food just as much as you and i and reciving there milk from the breast is the healthest thing to give a baby
x leigh x
i wouldn't say breastfeeding is enjoyable but it is satasfing to know that you are feeding your baby whats best!
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