Wednesday, 20 June 2007



most sexually active women use some form of contraception whether it's to stop them getting pregnant or from receiving an infection.
tell us your experances or concerns about contraception.


Don't Hush "DISCUSS" said...

i think the perfect contraception is the condom/femedom because it will stop you from becoming pregnant and also from catching sexually transmitted infections and this is the only contraception that i know of that prevents infections and i belive that it is hormone free too.

xxxx leigh xxxx

Don't Hush "DISCUSS" said...

i have the implant which is like a little stick that gets inserted into your arm and prevents you from becoming pregnant it is 99% effective and lasts for 3 years.
it does give me sideeffects when it is releases hormones i am easily irrotated and overall more modey.
the thing i like about the implant is that i can forget about it.

x leigh x

Don't Hush "DISCUSS" said...

if you need advise on contraception you can contact shine.
you can find the link for shine on the previouse page

Don't Hush "DISCUSS" said...

i disagree with leigh the condom is not the most effective form of cotaception because me and my partner used them every time and i still ended up with my daughter.after i gave birth i went straight for the depo (injection) which was i found easy to deal with but saying that i agree when she says they protect from sti's. i belive that if sex is consentual a woman should be a 100% in control of their contraception and for one who is not planning to have kids now the implant and the injection is a good method


Don't Hush "DISCUSS" said...

i have realy bad side effects with hormone contraseptions i can either be realy moodey and snap at little things.

the first contraception i ever used wea the (depopravera)injection but in my case i put on so much weight withb it and my periods were iregular

Don't Hush "DISCUSS" said...

i am 19 i dont have any kids (thank god ) i use condoms all the time and i think that they are the best.

chaz lees frend
nuff luv

Don't Hush "DISCUSS" said...

some kind of contraception should be used at all times unless trying for a baby.

sinead 15

Don't Hush "DISCUSS" said...

do you want to know a secret about contreaception?

okay! i'll tell you

the best thing to not fall pregnant is



Don't Hush "DISCUSS" said...

eveybody has got needs is jus about being responcible and not leaving it down to "it just happened" as an excuse.


Don't Hush "DISCUSS" said...

contreception is as much of a responsibility for both the male and female although we are are made to feel that it in the womens hands to sort it.
if there is to be an unplaned pregnancy the girl genraly recives the blame.
i think both male and females in a relationship or a casual relationship should discuss contraception and what would hapen if the girl would become pregnant.

xx leigh xx

Don't Hush "DISCUSS" said...

has anyone had the coil?
it sounds painful and complicated to insert
is the freel hormone free

let me know guys.
